Vladimir Brailovski

Vladimir Brailovski
École de technologie supérieure
Now a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS, Montreal, Canada), Vladimir Brailovski is actively involved in multidisciplinary projects at the forefront of mechanical design, materials science, and manufacturing. From 1987 to 1993, after receiving his Ph.D. from the Moscow Institute of Machines and Apparatus, he worked as a professor of Mechanical Engineering at Polytechnic University of Omsk, where his main field of research was ultrasonic technology and processing. Subsequently, during his six-year research fellowship at École Polytechnique de Montréal, V. Brailovski developed significant expertise in Shape Memory Alloys (SMA) and their industrial applications. In 2001, Prof. Brailovski, in collaboration with Prof. Terriault, founded a specialized laboratory on SMA and intelligent systems (LAMSI) at ÉTS. Since 2015, the LAMSI team has been working on additive manufacturing of metallic and polymer materials for industrial and medical applications.
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