Sarah Jordan

Sarah Jordan
Sarah Jordan is the CEO and co-founder of Skuld a company focused on the new AMEC process (additive manufacturing evaporative casting) and other manufacturing innovations. She started the Dayton chapter (now merged with Cincinnati to be Southwest Ohio) of Women in 3D Printing. Her background includes degrees in metallurgical engineering and materials science & engineering from OSU, and an MBA from Carnegie Mellon. She is currently part of Innovation Crossroads, a Department of Energy Lab Embedded Entrepreneur Program (LEEP) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. In her spare time, she is working part time to finish her PhD in Manufacturing Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute with her dissertation focused on the initial characterization of the AMEC process in A356 aluminum. She also runs #MetallurgyMonday on LinkedIn where she publishes a weekly basic metallurgy lesson for non-metallurgists.
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