Ravi Shahani

Ravi Shahani
Additive Manufacturing Chief Engineer
Ravi Shahani is a metallurgist and has spent his career focussed on aluminum-based innovation. He has designed aluminum sheet, plate and extruded solutions for now mainstream applications including automotive bodies, automotive systems, aerospace plate and consumer electronics. Ravi spent 6 years at Constellium's Neuf-Brisach rolling facility to ramp up automotive body sheet product lines and develop high volume aluminum hoods, doors, roof panels and structures. He then focussed on strategic innovation initiatives including digital manufacturing / Industry 4.0 and additive manufacturing. For AM, Constellium is focussed on 'rapid solidification" alloy systems such as Aheadd CP1 (Al-Fe-Zr system, Aluminum Association AA8A61) designed specifically for components manufactured using laser powder bed fusion with appropriate post-processing. Ravi is currently Chief Engineer for Constellium Additive Manufacturing, working again with aluminum powder (his metallurgy & materials science PhD from Cambridge University in the UK back in 1991 concerned powder-based aluminum composites). Ravi’s focus is on helping to bring printed aluminum applications to series production through both industrial and academic collaborations across the AM value chain.
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